
I bet you didn't know....

....I eat Wheat Thins with Laughing Cow chesse at about 10:00 every day. Every. Single. Day. I am literally crushed if I find out we have run out of either one of these two things and can totally justify a trip to the store just for that item.

...I don't typically shower every day. Unless I go running (in which case, I do shower but please refer to my previous post of having only run about 5 times this year), I don't really get dirty. My kids are growing up- I'm not getting spit up on or anything, or changing icky diapers. I'm sure I used to shower every day. Maybe after studying in Spain (we were not allowed to shower more often that every other day) I started showering less frequently. Plus it's really better for my hair if I don't wash it every day. Don't be grossed out! The showering, the shaving, washing and detangling of the long hair...it's just a lot of work! (T, I know you're with me on this one!)

....I LOVE to peel oranges but almost never eat them. It makes my day when the kids choose those little clementines for lunch because then I get to peel like 4 of those suckers! There's something totally therapeutic about getting every last bit of that white stuff off!

....I don't want anything in my coffee. No creamer, no sugar, no flavored syrups...just black, brewed (not instant), fully caffeinated coffee thankyouverymuch.

There ya go. A little bit more about me. :)

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