
Weekend Wrap-Up

 We started our weekend off with fun at Grandpa Keith and Grandma Cindy's! We had such a fun night with the fam.  Didn't take a lot of pictures but we enjoyed our time together!

Friday morning Kent fired off the offers for next years' baseball season which is always stressful.  Once he got those out he joined Kael, Kylee, Kase and me at Clear Lake! We had gone up earlier that morning. 

My pictures uploaded in reverse and I have too much to do today to fix it so I'm going to leave it this way but here are a bunch of pictures of us doing what we do at the lake! Tubing, skiing, sunset cruise, fishing, cousin walk to the Sweet Spot.  We lucked out with some great weather and just loved spending time together. 

Kylee pulled Kent skiing! (see driving lesson from Grandpa below!)

I even skied! Gotta prove to the kids I still know how!

Kase is getting awfully daring. 

Kylee loves driving. 

Sunset with my love.

That view.  Those kids.  Love, love, love.

Kylee is SUCH a lake girl this summer.  She just loves being up there. 

These two were pretty good buddies last night!


Saturday we had a family picnic at the pond! I was so glad we were all five able to go even though Kael couldn't stick around all afternoon since he had to work.  

Kael got a nice one!

I sure wish we had gotten a big group picture of the whole family- many of my aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids were all there and it was so great seeing everyone enjoying the pond my grandparents made.  Such great memories.  It rained in the middle of the day but that didn't dampen (ha) our fun. The kids fished, swam, kayaked and Kylee even braided all the little girls' hair. 

We actually caught more fish there than we had in awhile!

This was actually right before the picnic but Kylee did her 8.5 (!!!) mile run then wanted to hop right in the lake! She had no problem finding some cousins to join her!

Kael did a fantastic job driving the boat too! He is eager to learn and even pulled the kids tubing! 

Handsome guys (above and below).

More skiing, more tubing.  Fun on repeat.

And Kent was happy he caught a walleye at Clear Lake!

The aforementioned boat driving lesson.

I'm happy we had time to get up to the lake this weekend and I think it was great for Kent to get his mind off baseball stuff for awhile.  In the end, the team is nearly finalized and we are happy with how things are turning out. 

We got home Sunday afternoon in time to mow, do all the unpacking and laundry, then Kylee and I had nail appointments and Kase went to the pool with a friend and Kael went to work.  Later, Keith and Cindy brought over Kellen and Krue to jump on the trampoline! It was such a fun, family weekend! 

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