
Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a great weekend even though I can't get the pictures to post.

Friday night we had a baseball team pool party which was a lot of fun.  Kylee was at a friend's birthday party but Kael even stopped by the baseball party for a bit!

Saturday Kase went to a quarterback camp, Kylee went to the mall with a friend and Kael worked.  Later that night Kase had a birthday pool party for a friend so Kent, Kael and I went to the Home Show- so fun!

Sunday Kael worked all day.  Kase had a couple basketball scrimmages and it was really fun to see him playing basketball again after it's been so much baseball lately! Kylee was at a friend's house hanging out in her pool.  Later that night Kase went to a friend's pool and then had a sleepover there with his buddy.  Kael, Kylee, Kent and I grilled and chilled- ate dinner on the deck, played KanJam, played a little MarioKart then watched Office Space.  Nights with our teenagers are so fun.  

Have a great week! 

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