
Weekend Wrap-Up

Our first few days of summer have been filled with fun already.  Kylee officially got her school permit so she will be able to drive to all her camps and things all summer.  Kase spent some time at the pool with his buddies on Thursday and most of the day with friends on Friday.  Kase's team had a double header Friday night and Kase was not feeling well at all but rallied and played great.  We lost both but super proud of the boys for working hard and not giving up.  

Saturday morning we went to the lake! I can't believe we've been able to fit this in twice already all five of us together.  It was a beautiful morning out there and not very busy so we had a great time.

That afternoon Kael worked, Kase played with friends and had a buddy sleep over. We had fun watching baseball outside on the patio for awhile.

Sunday after church Kael worked, Kylee had a grad party with some friends, Kase played with friends and Kent and I went for a nice long walk.  It was such a beautiful day out. Later Kent and Kase had baseball, Kylee had volleyball and the boys and I made nachos and watched The Sandlot- the perfect night! 

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