
Weekend Wrap-Up

 What a WEEKEND, you guys!

Kent and Kael took off for Vegas on Thursday afternoon.  I'm so happy these two have each other and can do fun things like go to awesome concerts together.

Kent reports that Kael is the easiest travel partner- so agreeable and responsible.

Meanwhile, back home we were getting much more snow than expected! Kase rose to the challenge of being Man of the House and helped me scoop late Thursday night.  We did it in record time!

So he rewarded himself with some ice cream. 

Kent and Kael had the BEST time in Las Vegas and fit tons of fun stuff in besides the Metallica concert.

Fremont Street zipline!

FlyOver experience!

Bellagio fountains!

They had great seats for the concert and access to the lounge so that was great! Kael told me later, "I feel like Metallica did the exact set we would have wanted- they played all our favorites!" So, so cool that they got to go to this concert together!!! 

Got some Metallica merch.

Back home, Kylee had a fun night hanging out with friends and I took Kase and a friend to the Jag boys basketball playoff game.  The next morning I got them a super healthy breakfast of Krispy Kreme and Starbucks.

I also saw over the weekend that Kylee was the second place in her grade for Flying 10s!

Saturday night Kent and Kael got home and we had a fun family night making homemade pizza and playing games. 

Sunday Kase and Kylee both had tournaments.  Kase's team went 3-0 and won the whole thing! Such a fun way to end the season. 

Kylee's team went 4-4 which is deceiving because three of the sets they lost were 26-24, 25-23, 25-23 and they ended up second place with the 15s Plex team winning it all. 

Kase's team won t-shirts for their championship!

Love that the grandparents came to watch! Kael even got to see a game too!

Speaking of Kael, check this Instagram post out! So proud of that buddy!!

It was a really fun few days for my whole crew.  Love weekends like these! 

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