
Weekend Wrap-Up

I can't believe summer is over! Kase has been squeezing in pool time with friends.

Kase had his Meet the Teacher night and was super excited to see his baseball-themed classroom.

Kael had a football scrimmage and it made me so excited for the upcoming season for him! We had a fun family dinner at Portofino's afterwards.

Friday night we took some of Kase's buddies to the lake. 

Meanwhile, Kylee was at Gray's Lake paddleboarding with some friends!

It was a little rough out at Saylorville but Kase and his buddies had a blast.

They tried so hard to catch a fish too!

We had so much fun that we took another group out Saturday morning.  Kael and Kylee went with us too.

And they finally caught a fish off that dock!

Saturday night and Sunday morning Kael had to work. We went to visit him Saturday night and played some shuffleboard and had a great time.  Kent had also set up the volleyball net in the backyard so everyone had fun playing speedball. Kylee had a friend stay over Saturday night.

Sunday morning Kent went to the shooting range with some buddies.  

That afternoon Kent took Kylee golfing and his parents went out with them too.

Meanwhile, I was at Kase's annual Beach Day with his friends! They played whiffle ball on the beach, swam, played at the playground and had the best time.  These boys and their families are our people.

 Sunday night Kent and Kael went to the Jag football hog roast! They had fun.  Kylee was at the pool with friends all afternoon and evening and later Kent had a football coaches meeting.  We got everyone in bed early so they could be ready for the first day of school!

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