
Weekend Wrap-Up

Rewinding quite a bit here to post about the weekend before Kent and I left for our trip.

We had lots of snow and Kase and his friends had fun playing in it every chance they got!

Friday night we had Kase practice a little bit around the house on his rollerblades since he had a skating party coming up.  He thought it was awesome skating through the house- he did a great job too!

Kylee was at volleyball practice and Kael was at a sleepover at his friends, so Kent and I took Kase out for a little date night.  He had fun picking out special desserts!

The next morning Kase had his last regular season basketball games. He played so hard but they lost- everyone was pretty bummed.  We had so much fun watching him play all year!

Then, it was off to his skating party! He had so much fun.

Then, it was back home to play in the snow again!

Then we took the boys bowling.  Fun times and they even let me win!

Kylee was off with her friend Emma at Urban Air.

Sunday Kylee had her first tournament of the year! I was so excited to watch the girls play.  My parents came too and it was pretty tight quarters in this gym but we found a good spot!

Kylee played great all day and the team lost a couple close ones.

All in all, they had a good day but I know Kylee was disappointed with the losses.

Back home I quick finished up packing before tucking everyone in! I will write about our trip soon!

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