
Weekend Wrap-Up

What an interesting few days it's been! Last Sunday afternoon, Kylee had hurt her ankle at cross country practice. She said it was sore but manageable.  She went to volleyball camp last Monday and was OK, then she went to another cross country practice in the snow on Wednesday.  She came home so sad and said her ankle hurt really badly so we took her in the next day to get it checked out.

Turns out it was a fracture and she needs to be on crutches for awhile and also needs a boot for 4-6 weeks.

Kael and Kase made her cards and my parents brought over cookies.

She handled it so well and was in good spirits.  We will have to miss Nationals now and she was sad, but ok with it.  We spent Thursday night out running around shopping to get her mind off of it and also to get her used to the crutches.  She did just fine at school on Friday- she has one friend who is in every single one of her classes so she can help carry books and stuff.  Thankful for that! Friday night Kael slept over at a friend's house and Kylee and her friends went to a game night at church.  Kent and I took Kase out for pizza.

 Saturday morning we got all packed up and headed to Minnesota! We have been planning this trip with our friends for quite awhile now and the kids were all so excited.  We left town at a good time that morning then stopped in Sheffield to visit my grandpa on the way.  It was great to see him.  When we got to Minneapolis, we stopped and had lunch with one of my best friends and her husband. Fun to get to see them!

Then we headed to meet up with the Rineharts to watch the Hawkeye game.  We went to this fun place where the kids could bowl and play arcade games too.

What a crew!

We watched the first half of the game there then headed back to the hotel.  Kids swam and we ran into more neighbor friends at the pool! What a small world.  We watched the Hawkeyes pull off a close win! Then had pizza in the room and played games before calling it an early night.

We did also have a little fun in the fitness room before going to bed too!

Sunday morning we had breakfast at the hotel then went to tailgate! The first parking lot we found turned out to not allow tailgating so Kent and Mark found a different spot for us and it was perfect! We had a great corner spot with a perfect view of the stadium. It was a little chilly but we got cozy and had fun!

The Rineharts had packed their bags game but forgot the actual bags so we rolled up socks and mittens to use.  Funny memories!

We snacked, played and listened to music.  So fun.

Then we headed to the game! I was glad we had parked close but it was still a lot for Kylee to maneuver on crutches.  She was such a trooper.  We did get to take an elevator and one of the Vikings cheerleaders was in there with us so that was fun!

Kase was just over the moon the whole weekend.  He kept saying, "I can't believe I get to go to my first NFL game! Thank you guys so much for bringing us!"

The stadium is huge and so impressive.

It turned out to be such a great game too! Vikings didn't play well at all in the first half but scored several times in the second half, which was so fun for the kids to get to do the "Skol" chant!  Vikings pulled off a narrow victory against the Broncos that came down to the very last play! The kids were all so into it and the entire experience was just awesome.  I love the ages the kids are right now for traveling- they just make things so easy and fun.  Thankful for fun friends to travel with too! We had a bit of a time getting out of the stadium- so many people and traffic was crazy but the kids were great riders getting home in enough time to unpack and go to bed!

Hope you had a great weekend too!

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