
Weekend Wrap-Up

Found a photo of the epic candy sort that I forgot to share on Thursday!

Thursday night Kylee had her last regular season cross country practice.  I just love this group of humans!

Thursday night the big kids gave Kase a small gift since he had surgery scheduled the next day.  So sweet to see everyone crowded around Kase's bed giving him hugs.

Friday morning we were up early and ready to go.  Kase was a little nervous but was in good spirits.

The nurse was great, we had known the doctor from other procedures with our other kids, and everything went smoothly.  He got his adenoids removed and was sad when he came to after anesthesia but was snuggly and tired.  We recovered for just a bit at the surgery center then headed for home.  He rested for awhile then wanted chicken and noodles for lunch and wanted to help make them.  We had a nice, relaxing afternoon reading, drawing, playing Beyblades and watching TV.

Later that night my sister and niece came over.  The kids had so much fun together and even drew names for Christmas!

Saturday morning Kase was pretty slow.  Sweet big sister Kylee read to him for awhile. We had a lazy morning at home.

Later Kylee and I went to the craft show with my other niece, sister and my mom.  We try to get at least a few of the girls on my side of the family together every year to go so it's a fun tradition.  Did a little shopping but I was anxious to get back home to Kase.  He was a little feverish and on the couch all day.

Later Kent took the big kids to the gym and Kase actually fell asleep on the couch.

Later, Kylee and her friends went to the Drake volleyball game and pizza party with the team!

Sunday morning we went to church then the boys went to Mom and Dad's house.  They had fun with cousins!

Kent, Kylee and I headed to Valley for the last meet of the regular season.  It was the State Championships and a national qualifier!

Kylee was looking strong! She had a great race today. She got a PR with 11:53! Also second place overall! So proud of her.

The team got first in her age division! Go ATC!

Love this girl! She ran hard on a cold, rainy day and was determined to do her best.

We all got home and were happy to relax. We declared it Patterson Family Sunday (night) Funday (night).  We all turned off our phones, made pizza together, played some games and watched a movie. The perfect end to a full weekend!

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