
Weekend Wrap-Up

It's been a crazy couple weeks around here.  Last week Kylee had strep, this weekend Kent got strep and I haven't been feeling great either.  Plus, we've been super busy with all the fall sports but we are still fitting in lots of fun!
Thursday night Kent went to Waterloo with his parents to watch Kael's game.  Love that Kael always has someone able to make it to his games.

Meanwhile, I was back home getting Kylee to a practice and Kase to his first ACBC skills night. Thankful for friends and neighbors who help carpool/walk my kids to their practices when we have multiple places to be at the same time.

Friday morning Kase wanted to help Kent shave.  So sweet.

Friday night Kael went to the football game and Kylee had a birthday party to go to.  Love this sweet group of girls- they headed off to the mall! Such middle schoolers.

Kase had a buddy over for a pizza night here.  Kent was volunteering in the football concession stand.

They played a lot of backyard football.  They call this the Hawkeye Huddle.

They wanted a picture "by the moon".  Kael and his buddies went to the Junkyard 5th quarter then back here for a sleepover.

Saturday  morning Kylee had her first volleyball game of the season.  So fun being back in the gym watching her! On the way out she ran into her teacher from last year and was so happy to see him!

The rest of Saturday was a weird day.  Kent was pretty miserable from strep.  The weather was stormy/clear/stormy/clear.  Kylee went to a friend's house and the rest of us stayed here to watch the CyHawk game! During the delay Kase dug out his old Hot Wheels and I was thrilled he had fun entertaining himself.

Hawkeye- head to toe!

Kylee and her friend had fun baking cupcakes!

And she also taught Kylee to play lacrosse!

After a bunch of delays, the Hawkeyes ultimately pulled off the win but the game wasn't over until 9:00!

Sunday morning the kids slept in then we headed to the orchard.

I love that they still have fun doing things like this together. 

It got pretty warm pretty quickly so we didn't stay up there too long but had a great time.  Plus, Kael drove us there and back so that was great practice for him!

After lunch we just hung around the house until Kylee had volleyball followed by cross country practices and Kase had a football game. Later the kids played outside and we came in early to watch our favorite, America's Got Talent. What a great weekend!

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