
Weekend Wrap-Up

Summer weekends are flying by.  Here's what we've been up to.

Kael is getting so great at driving and I'm enjoying time alone in the car with him.  He's so fun. 

He drove me out to Cherry Glen the other night and asked if I remembered how when he was little he used to love coming out and watching the boats get put in/pulled out of the water.  Seems like that was just yesterday and now here he is driving me!

This monkey has spent a lot of time hanging around at the park and in the 'hood with friends.

Friday morning I told the kids I needed their help cleaning the house then promised them we would go do something fun afterwards.  They all pitched in and after lunch we headed to the Operating Room! The had fun trying all the new games!


Then we went to Cold Stone.  The kids were so sweet and so thankful. Then we stopped by B and B to spend a few arcade cards before heading home.  Fun afternoon!

Later that evening Kent and I swung out to Polk City quick to hang with the Vogels for a bit.  Kael and Kase stayed home and Kael was so proud to help out by watching Kase and getting to have pizza delivered for them to have for dinner.

Meanwhile, Kylee was at one of her best friend's birthday parties!

They had a blast and stayed up until 3 AM!

The next morning it started pouring and Kase asked if he could go out and feel the rain.  I said yes, then fully blew his mind when I told him he could run out and play in it if he wanted.  Kael was like, "Mom are you serious?" and then asked if he could go too.  Honestly it was probably one of the highlights of their summer.  Kase said, "I'm never going to forget you let us do this and how fun it was."  It's always the little things, right?

 Kase's game got cancelled because of the weather but later it cleared off enough for us to go "camping" with our friends! We try to go once a year together and every year it rains but we still have the best time.

Kase couldn't get enough of playing with these giant leaves.

The crew heading off to swim at the beach flooded parking lot.

These city girls didn't hesitate to give themselves a mud bath.

Kael is such a good sport about going along even though our friends don't have any kids Kael's age.  He has fun with Kent and Mark playing KanJam!

These two are hilarious together.

These girlies have so much fun together.

It did look like rain, so we headed home after dinner and s'mores.  We pulled the fire pit into the garage and the kids had fun running around with glow sticks until the rain came.  The girls stayed at our house and Kase stayed at their house for a fun sleepover night for all.

Look at this epic fort they made!

Kase had fun playing in it the next morning when he got home.

What a fun night.  The next day Kent was up early and went to Kyle and Julia's to help with a tree branch that had come down in their driveway. Later we all went over and had lunch and had a great time catching up with the family.  So excited for everyone to be closer soon! Kevin and Kaity and Kellen will be moved to Ankeny in just a couple weeks!

We spent the afternoon hanging around then later went to a neighbor's 40th birthday get together.  It was a great weekend!

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