
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for a sweet moment between Kylee and Kael at triathlon practice. Kael was on the bike portion and Kylee was on the running portion and they passed each other on the track with a big smile and high five! It was so cute. They're such good kids and I'm so glad they're mine.

I'm thankful for my mother-in-law's awesome shopping skills. She got the kids some really cute stuff for our upcoming trip!

I'm thankful when I come downstairs and see the kids reading together.

I'm equally thankful when I walk outside and find them entertaining themselves.

I'm thankful that Kael is such an awesome big brother.  Here he is showing Kylee how to put bait on the hook.  Patient and calm.  Love this so much.

I'm thankful that Kylee is enjoying volleyball camp so much this week!

I'm thankful Kase played his best buddy's team the other night.  They were all smiles when they saw each other at first base! A little bit less smiley when Kase's friend tagged him out at third base later in the game- ha!

I'm so thankful for my spirited, sideways-hat wearing six year old. 

I'm thankful for Kylee's training group! They are having the best time together getting ready for the triathlon near the end of summer.

I'm thankful that almost every night I find some sort of surprise on my bed from Kase.  Sometimes its a big block tower rested on the headboard; sometimes it's a drawing taped to the wall next to our bed.  Last night it was a long stack of his favorite Lego pieces (the little tiny ones that are often used as headlights to Lego vehicles). He always asks me the next day, "Did you see what I left for you, Mama?" I hope he continues to do this until forever.

Have a good one, all!

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