
Thankful Thursday

I'm so thankful for a really good 504 meeting for Kael last week. I haven't posted an update on him for a long time but he's doing really well.  Middle school has been great for Kael.  I had a meeting with his advisor, principal and counselor at school and I felt so happy when I left the meeting.  I think the staff all know and understand Kael really well and had some great suggestions on how to help him be successful in his education.

I'm thankful for a comment Kase made yesterday.  He said, "We should be called Laughing Family because we are always laughing." I love that that's how he views our family!

I'm thankful for many kind texts and messages we received about being in the Ankeny Living magazine.

I'm thankful for our parents time as they help out by watching kids as we have had many things going on this holiday season already.

I'm thankful middle school girls and Kael singing Christmas songs in my car on the way home from school.

I'm thankful that Kael is such a good big brother.  Kase's friend was over on Monday and as soon as Kael got home from school they asked him to play football with them. He was happy to play and they were so excited.

I'm thankful Kent is home from his trip.

I'm thankful when Kael and Kylee pile into my bed with me before bedtime and tell me jokes.

I'm thankful for when I tuck Kase in and he is in a chatty mood. Last night he told me all about his favorite jobs at school.  He had been bathroom monitor (yuck) that day and told me it is one of his favorite jobs.  Ha!

I'm thankful for a day off school on Wednesday! Kase spent the morning at the Indoor Playground with a friend.  Kael, Kylee and I had a great morning just hanging around the house with each other.  Later that afternoon I picked my up nephew and he, Kael and Kase played at the Triad Play Day while Kylee and I did some shopping. They had a blast together!

Later that night, we joined some friends at Disney on Ice! I was worried Kase would be exhausted from a busy day but he really enjoyed the show.  I also wondered if maybe Kael would be too old for it but his buddy who is just a year younger than him was there (and also there was unlimited popcorn) so Kael had fun! I knew Kylee would enjoy it. I also really had fun at the show! It was really neat.

I'm thankful for Thanksgiving.  It's just such a great family day.  We spent the morning hanging around here together, playing Wii, watching the Macy's parade, playing games.  Later Kent went to the gym and I went for a run then we headed up to Collins to spend the day with Kent's family.  It was such a nice day out! Kent took the boys outside right away for a football game.  He's the best.

We had such a nice day spending time with all of Kent's family!

Later that evening Kylee and I went Black Friday (on Thanksgiving Day?) with my mom.  We have been going together for the last few years and it's always a fun tradition. We aren't super-deal-seekers; we really just go for the fun of it.  This year did not disappoint! I got a few things and Kylee had fun looking at giant stuffed animals.

So much to be thankful for, today and every day! Hope this Thanksgiving Day you're finding lots to be thankful for too!

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