
Weekend Wrap-Up

April is off to a fun, busy start!

Thursday we had Kase's Art Show.  It's one of my favorite preschool events of the year.  He was so proud to show off his work!

These are my people! The ones who help make the Art Show happen!

The next day at home Kase wanted to "play Art Show".

Kylee's been having fun at cross country.  Kael also was at soccer this night- it was so cold and wet out but neither of them complained a bit! 

Friday morning Kase and I visited Kent at work.  He loves going into the office.

Friday afternoon, Kylee came home and had gotten Main Event at school.  I was so happy for her. She had kind of a tough week so this was a bright spot for her!

Kael brought home his spring school pictures.  He looks so grown up.

Friday evening Kent and I had a visitation to go to. One of Kent's college friends passed away- so sad; he had a young family and seeing his girls there just broke my heart.  Prayers go out to the family. 

When we got home Friday evening, Kent's family came to hang out. We had fun playing outside, shooting baskets, eating pizza, showing our vacation pictures, playing cards, and playing with Kevin and Kaity's dog, King! We just love when everyone comes to visit.

I tried to April fool the kids on Saturday morning but they weren't too impressed...

Later Kent went into the office for a bit then met us at the Chamber Chill Fun Run! The kids had a blast, and it really wasn't too cold at all.

After that, the boys both had birthday parties to go to.  Kase went bowling and Kael went to an arcade! Kylee spent the afternoon playing with friends.

Later that night was our elementary's Fun Night. This year, they had a magician there and Kase got picked to be his helper.  I was so impressed at how awesome this guy was with kids and also loved Kase's reactions.  It was so much fun to watch.

There was also a fun photo booth! Kylee and her friend had a lot of fun together this night!

Sunday after church we picked Kael up, hung around home for a bit, then Kase went to another birthday party- this time at SkyZone. 

Kael had a rainy soccer game- he played great.  I just really love to watch him play! He always gives 100%.

We have another busy week (month) ahead.  And it's pretty much all fun things we have to look forward to! Have a good week, everyone!

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