
Weekend Wrap-Up

A fun weekend 'round here.

Thursday this happened at preschool.  Kase loves it there so, so much.

Friday morning my parents surprised us by stopping by (before school!) with donuts.  So that was fun.  Later in the day Kase and I went and hung out at their house- here's a picture of Kase and Grandpa playing Wii.

Friday Kylee came home from school so excited- she'd had a gum day and an electronic day at school and she was picked for the Hall of Fame (an award at school).  Later that night Kael's buddy had a sleepover here.  They ate junk food and stayed up late, so by all accounts it was a success.

Saturday, Kael and Kylee had basketball games.  I just love watching them play.

Saturday afternoon we spent hanging around here, then a family trip to the grocery store (which is super rare since Kase and I typically get groceries during the week).  

Saturday night Kent had some neighbor guys over to play cards.  Well, to play cards and to play Kael's indoor basketball game.  

Sunday morning we lounged around here before church.  Nothing makes my heart happier than when these three have fun playing together.

After church we went to Olive Garden for lunch, which was a total treat. 

Back here for a little basketball. 

Later Kael had practice, I went for a walk with a friend, and we spent the rest of the evening just hanging out.  A busy week ahead for us.  How was your weekend?

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