
Weekend Wrap-Up

I love, love, love long weekends.  

Friday was off to a fun start for us- I took Kase to the Playground for Kids, which is something we haven't done in nearly a year.  He had the BEST time running around there! 

Friday night Kent and Kael went and saw Star Wars in the theater.  We've been having a lot of family movie nights this winter.  Kylee and I weren't interested in seeing Star Wars and it would have been too late for Kase so us three stayed home.  We watched a blast from the past, My Best Friend's Wedding.  It was even funnier than I had remembered. 

Oh, also, here's how her hair turned out from the other day.  So cute!

Saturday Kylee and Kael both had basketball games.  Kylee played against one of her besties, which she loved.  Kael and Kylee both had great games!

Saturday evening we went to the Chili Cookoff at our church, which was a fundraiser for our preschool.  It was so much fun. The kids had fun with their friends and we enjoyed spending time with preschool families! 

Sunday morning, Iron Man made us breakfast.  Later, he served Parking Duty at church in the -9 degree temps! 

After church we had lunch with my family then went over to my parents' to hang out, bake brownies and play cards.  It was a lovely afternoon. 

Today was a no school day for the kids.  We went back and forth about how we wanted to spend the day and ultimately ended up having lunch with my parents, then ice skating in their back yard.  The kids loved it so much! 

My dad has laced up ice skates so.many.times.  He's a pro.

These are three of my favorite guys in the world!
I didn't realize Kent would be getting off work early to join us so he had to wear a mish mash of whatever we could find. 

The family that skates together, stays together.  And yes, Kase is wearing a helmet because, well, head injuries. 

It's been a good one, folks! How about you?!

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