
Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a lovely weekend.  The cold weather kept us inside for most of the weekend but we got in some gooood quality family time which was great. 

Friday night my parents invited the whole crew over for pizza.  So fun.  The kids are getting to the age where they can all go downstairs and play together which allows us adults the chance to talk and hang out.  Love it.

Saturday was Kylee's first basketball game of the season.  She did a great job! I didn't get a good picture of her playing, just videos, but I did capture a picture of Kael helping out with Kase and my nephew, Huston.  Kael took them for several walks in the hallway, and while it isn't a great picture, he did a great job entertaining them!

This little cutie lost her sixth tooth and is looking more and more grown up every day. 

Saturday night the kids stayed over at Kent's parents' house.  We had a holiday work party for Kent so my parents were there too. Such a fun evening and I was thankful my sister loaned me a necklace and some boots for the event.  

These two were best buddies all weekend.  Actually, just always.  Kase is Kent's shadow lately so it just makes sense that they dress the same.  Ha!

Sunday we spent the whole day at home until Kael had basketball practice the rest of us ran a quick errand and picked up a movie.  Back home by 6:15, all kids showered and in jammies for a movie night.  Kael and Kase actually both fell asleep before the movie was even over- we were a tired bunch!

We had a pretty "normal" week ahead- just a few practices and not much else going on.  Looking forward to some more time hanging out with my faves.  How was your weekend?

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