
Weekend Wrap-Up

I'll rewind a bit.  Wednesday the kids didn't have school so we spent the morning hanging out at my sister's house.  Came home, decorated a little, then the kids played at my mom and dad's while I did a little shopping.  We also fit in some time to play in the snow with friends before eating dinner out at the Tavern with my parents. 

Thursday morning Kent and I took turns running and going to the gym.  Came home, settled in and watched the Thanksgiving parade before heading up to Collins to have dinner with Kent's family. The kids had so much fun with their cousins!

Friday morning, my dad hung out with the kids while my mom and I did our annual Black Friday shopping.  We had a great time and got some fun gifts for the kids! Later that afternoon we watched the Hawkeye game at home before heading to watch Uncle Kevin's basketball team's game against Centennial. 

Saturday morning was off to an early start with Kael losing a tooth at 4:38! The kids have been getting up so early lately! Neither Kael nor Kylee went back to sleep after that. 

Adding to the excitement, our elf and his pet reindeer came back that morning!

Later that morning I took the kids shopping to buy their sibling gifts.  They have so much fun shopping for each other every year! Kylee even came prepared with paper in hand to keep track of exactly what the boys wanted. 

Spent the afternoon walking in my parent's backyard before trying out a new restaurant in town with them. 

Sunday we went to Bass Pro, not fully intending to see Santa, but the line wasn't too long and Kase was just.so.excited to see him, so we did.  I wonder how many years we have left of Kael agreeing to be in the Santa photo? After telling Santa their wishes, we headed home and had a lazy evening together. 

Whew! We fit a lot in this weekend! How was your Thanksgiving break?

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