
Happy Birthday, Kylee!

While it's hard to believe Kylee is turning eight today, at the same time I feel like she could have always been eight.  "She's so grown up!" people have remarked since she was two.  I watch her get a little (ok, a lot) taller, and I remember the days when she thought a woman principal should be called a "princess-ipal".  I find myself secretly a little bit happy when I find notes of hers with misspelled words, "She's still little!" I tell myself, holding on to every last bit of her youthfulness.

Oh-so-capable, always willing to help; you can bet if there's work to be done around here, Kylee is the very first to pitch in.  Ninja Warrior Wannabe to the core (any locals know of a kid ninja gym around here?!), Kylee is a competitor.  She recently finished her first triathlon and I know she's dying to finish first next year.  

Kylee often is gone for the better part of the day, playing with friends, and I know I don't have to worry about her.  But she totally has a mind of her own.  Her group of friends often sign up for things together (camps, cheer clinics, etc.) and Kylee almost never wants to join in.  My girl is not a follower, at all. 

Currently she love, love, loves "chocolate waffles" (Eggos with Nutella) and all things sugary.  She currently hates baths and showers. 

I'm bracing myself for the "tweenage years" she inches towards every day and I can't help but think we'll be just fine.  I'm so proud of the fun-loving, energetic, always-up-for-an-adventure, caring, hard-working girl she is! 

Happy 8th birthday, Kylee Kay! We love you!

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