
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for our anniversary.  Nine years! Looking forward to celebrating with Kent on Friday night while the kids have a sleepover at Keith and Cindy's.

I'm thankful for a rainy day, which fell on a late start day and Kael actually slept in past 8:00! This almost never happens!

I'm thankful that Kylee seems happier with each week that passes.  She still says she doesn't like school this year, but we're seeing far fewer tears in the morning.

I'm thankful that my kids are as excited for Christmas as me.  Kylee asked us to get out her Christmas bears the other day and Kael asked if we could set up his little Christmas tree in his room soon.  They also both started working on Christmas lists.  Love it!

I'm thankful for the haircut I fiiiiinnally got last night.  I think it had been over a year and I was in desperate need of one. Also thankful to be able to donate it to Locks of Love.

Have a great weekend!

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