
Weekend Wrap-Up

Our weekend started early since Kent took Friday off.  Right away in the morning we walked to school and found out the kids' teachers and classmates for the upcoming school year.  They were both happy with their placements and I'm happy to have the idea of "school" planted in their heads.  Won't be too long until we need to get back into a good routine.  I spent the morning shopping for a soon-to-be birthday girl and he took Kase for a haircut, picked up my dad's boat and hung out with the kids.

Friday afternoon Kylee went to Triad with some friends and I got the chance to catch up with one of my friends while they played.  I hadn't talked to her nearly all summer so it was great to see her.

Later, Kent took a could neighbor friends out skiing.  They had the best time.  Hoping to make time to do that more often before summer is over! While he was boating, I met up with a few friends at the pool.

Saturday we spent a good chunk of the morning deciding what we wanted to do all day. We did a few errands, kids played with neighbors and later we hit up the pool.  I was so surprised to run into my sister and her family there! They invited us to dinner at their house after the pool- the kids were so excited to play with their cousins and I couldn't have been happier to catch up with my sister! (Well, as much as can be expected when we were chasing five kids around...;)

Sunday morning we were up early and went to the High Trestle Trail.  We biked about six miles round trip, which was the perfect amount.  And we got to the bridge early enough that it wasn't busy at all and it wasn't hot yet.  So fun!

We went straight to Collins after that, had Sunday dinner with Kent's fam and Kase "helped" harvest their garden. :) We spent the afternoon playing with neighbors and then wrapped up our evening with a quick hour at Cascade Falls.  

It was a great weekend.  Now, back to the daily grind.  :) I'm babysitting today and it's really nice to get back into the swing of things. Less than two weeks until school starts! Have a great week, all!

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