
Ten Things

Kase has figured out that if he hits someone, he gets a big reaction.  If you have plans to come to our house, consider that your warning.  If you don't have plans or would like to cancel plans to come to our house, I'll understand.

I'm quite certain the world would stop turning if there was no coffee.

Kylee, my sweet mini-mi, has turned on us.  Instead of a mini-me, she's a mini-teenager.  Girl is emotional, bull-headed, opinionated (don't even GET me started on our daily discussions about clothes)....never mind.  Forget what I said about not being a mini-me.  She's maybe more of a mini-me than she's ever been.

I finally (we've only been in this house for a year and a half now) got something up on one of our big, empty walls. I had a canvas painting that we had up in our old house that's been laying around downstairs forever that just didn't fit in this house.  I also had a picture that I LOVED of the kids that I knew I wanted to do something with. I also had a limited budget. Enter Pinterest.  None of the ideas I found were quite right so I sort of improvised.  It's so so far from perfect but it cost....drum roll please....only $3.65! How happy am I?!?! I went to Staples and blew the photo up to 2' x 3' (it's in black and white but I'd like it better in color, I think), Modge Podge'd it over my old canvas and voila!

I taught Kylee's Sunday School class last week and was reminded of the incredible differences in gender.  The boys cried when I asked them to participate in a game.  One bragged that he was "too smart so he got kicked out of preschool." None were even remotely interested in coloring a picture.  The girls (over)shared with me every detail of their lives from favorite teacher to why their parents had been arguing all morning (eek!).  They happily colored and participated in writing activities.  The boys were able to recall almost no details from the big group story we'd heard while the girls remembered everything. How do real teachers do it?!

I cleaned my blinds the other day and hated every second of it.  But it makes me happy that they're clean.

I really want to go on a vacation. Just a little one.  I have been racking my brain for somewhere we could go over Spring Break that wouldn't break the bank.  We've done almost every "close" big city that I can think of.  Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha.  I just want to take the kids somewhere different.  Not like, Disney World different, just...not Ankeny.  Ideas??

My pediatrician said to me the other day when Kase was chatting away at his appointment, "Wow.  Kase is really smart," and it KILLED me not to say, "I know."

Kael's teacher e-mailed me with some ideas about some accommodations she'd like to make for Kael. When I explained them to him, he was quiet for a minute, then said, "But will I have to be the only one who does them? I mean, I'm worried I'll be embarrassed." Then he quickly followed up, "But it's fine." And then my heart broke a little bit.  I wanted to say, "No, it's not fine, Kael.  It sucks that you have to do these things and it sucks that I can't do them for you.  You're going to be the only one, and the other kids will notice and it sucks. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't fix it for you.  I'm sorry you're different even though we all have differences and that's what makes the world go 'round but I wish it were easier for you.  I wish your differences didn't make it hard for you to keep friends.  I happen to think it's amazing that you can remember things that happened when you were two and it baffles me that you can't remember where you put your pencil but that's who you are and I love you for it, but others won't be so understanding and that sucks.  It fascinates me that you can rattle off state facts and size order but your 8 year old friends don't think that's as cool as I do and I'm sorry."  I didn't say that.  I smiled and promised that his teacher was going to make it as "cool as possible" and that we do all need help at some point.  Some people need help seeing and have glasses, some kids in his class have "help" teachers, some kids are pulled out for Special Ed.  In my opinion, there are some pretty high expectations for third graders but I'm confident Kael can hang.  He can do it.  He just needs a little organizational help and he'll be great.  Here's to hoping the accommodations work.

I'm so done with the cold weather.  So, Winter, go ahead, pack your bags and get outta here.  Thanks. See ya again on, say, December 24?

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