
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for half-hour long chats with my dad in the middle of the day.  He's the best.

I'm thankful for a night out at Exile with Kent's brother and brother's girlfriend.  I felt insta-trendy when I walked in the door- this place was cool! We all loved our food and had the best time hanging out.  I don't think I've seen Kent laugh that hard in a long time.

I'm thankful that when it was the Jag-Hawk Bowl (yeah, we're really calling it that), and I didn't have any Jag gear (for shame, Laura!), I was able to walk to Kael's closet and borrow a Jag shirt of his.

I'm thankful for AJF night at the football game.  So cool to see all those Junior Football-ers out there!

I'm thankful that it cooled down enough the other day for me to wear some sweatpants.  I heart fall.

I'm thankful my kids finally got to spend some time with their cousins at Tyson's first birthday party this weekend.  Kase and Brooklyn are about a year apart and they had so much fun together!

I'm thankful I finally made time to finish a silhouette picture of Kase.  Honestly if you took a lap around the house just looking at pictures you might think we only have two children.  Must.do.better.

I'm thankful for children who love to read.

I'm thankful that Kael is starting to care a little bit more about how he looks.  He's recently taken to wearing the tallest/longest socks possible because apparently "It's cool to have almost no skin showing. Besides your arms, so you can show your muscles."  Please refer to above picture for a visual.  Oh, brother.

I'm thankful that Kylee isn't a city slicker.  She was catching minnows in that little net then grabbing them with her hands to move them from the net to a bucket.  Awesome.

I'm thankful Kael found such a comfortable (?!?) place to relax while we were at the Ledges this weekend.

I'm so so thankful for how much Kael still adores Kase.  Big brother love.

 I'm thankful for my strong guy(s).

I'm not sure I've ever been so thankful for Kent's truck.  We were ready for a much-needed snack break and the few picnic tables there were occupied and the ground was covered with cockleburs.  Tailgate, anyone? 

I'm thankful Kase's sandals already stink so badly that I wasn't too concerned with him stomping through the mud with them. 

I'm thankful for the short week.  We're ready for another weekend!

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