
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful Kael has been presented with the opportunity to show kindness and patience right off the bat this year at school.  At Meet The Teacher Night, he discovered his locker partner is a kid who did not treat Kael very nicely last year.  Lots of name-calling and the like at recesses.  I've been praying hard about this since Tuesday night.  Praying that Kael is able to say kind things even when kind things aren't being said to him.  Praying that Kael's teacher is aware of the situation and handles it with the wisdom. Praying that Kael is strong enough to walk away.  Praying that there really is a greater plan and that Kael and his locker partner will, beyond all odds, become friends.

I'm thankful for a side of Kylee that I often don't see.  She keeps saying that she's so excited for school, but I was a little caught off guard at her shyness at Meet The Teacher Night.  One of her tasks was to introduce herself to a classmate and I saw a very sweet, bashful, innocent, almost self-conscious side of Kylee that reminded me how little she still is sometimes.  Kylee has always seemed so grown-up compared to her peers and watching her be even the slightest bit unsure of herself opened my eyes to how she must be feeling.

I'm thankful Kase has been taking really good naps lately.  I've had time to get some French Toast Sticks, some meatballs, and some Breakfast Sandwiches in the freezer.  I've also got a batch of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough in the fridge, ready to make so the kids come home to fresh, warm cookies on their first day of school.  Being a stay at home mom really has some advantages.  I've also got some PB & J's in the freezer (I had heard you can freeze them.  Rumor was true.  You totally can and they taste the same.) for future cold lunches.

I'm thankful that drop-off went well this morning.

This is seriously how we walked to school this morning.  What a crew!!! 

I'm thankful for my Lone Ranger.  It sure is quiet around here without Kael and Kylee- luckily I've got Kase.

Speaking of quiet, I'm so thankful for where we live.  I was kind of moping around the house, sort of unsure of what to do with myself when all of the sudden.  I heard it.  The greatest sound.  Recess! Tons of kids came running out and Kylee was among them.  I watched her for awhile, resisting the urge to shout, "Kylee!" Soon enough, she looked over at our house, smiled, shouted, "Mom" and gave me a big wave.  Life.is.good.

I'm thankful that I have laundry done, a clean house, dinner planned....a stay at home mom's dream right? Only it's not.  I'd rather the big kids were here so I could remind them to be quiet when Kase sleeps.  To shut the door.  To stop tracking muddy shoes across the floor. I'd rather be wiping sticky mouths and hands and making macaroni for the zillionth time.  I guess I'm a little more lonely than I was prepared for.

How did Back to School go for you?

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