
Thankful Thursday

I'm always thankful for well-child visits.  Way more fun than being at the doctor with a sick baby. Unless, of course, you're at the doctor for a well-child visit and your child is sick.  In which case, that's just good planning as far as I'm concerned.  Killing two birds with one stone. Anyhow, Kase recently had his fifteen month visit and here are how things shake out.

95% height (33 inches)
80% weight (25 lbs 10oz)

I was thankful that his ears looked good although we are probably one ear infection away from doing tubes.

I'm thankful that the virus he has doesn't require any medication but still.  A virus, during summer? Come on! Unfortunately the rest of us have had it too.  Kael even threw up Sunday night but we all seem to be on the mend now.  I cannot remember a summer that I have spent so much time with sick kids.  Even my doctor is starting to crack jokes about how often she's seen us.

I'm thankful that Kael has been open to practicing his triathlon route.  It's coming up on Saturday and there's going to be a lot of people there.  Like nearly 300 kids in the race.  It's going to be overwhelming and all I hope for is that Kael does his best and he can walk away at the end of it feeling like he gave it his all.  That's really what it's all about, right?

I'm thankful that Kase is back up to his old tricks of waking up at 5:00.  Not.

I'm thankful for the lovely weather we've been having.  It *almost* makes up for the crazy spring rains we had earlier and the unbearable heat we've had lately.

I'm thankful for an unexpected visit from Cindy yesterday! She brought me lunch, stayed with the boys so Kylee and I could hit up the library movie (how cute is Wreck It Ralph btw? I know I'm a little late to the party but seriously a sweet movie). She also took Kylee grocery shopping with her and let her pick out a ton of fun snacks.  Total mood lifter.  The visit from Cindy, not the snacks. ;)

I'm thankful Kent's co-worker pretended not to mind the 29 second Vox that I (my back pocket, actually) sent him.

I'm thankful that Kase didn't even know that I blamed the aforementioned Vox on him.  How long until the "kid got ahold of my phone" excuse doesn't work anymore?

Happy Thursday!

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