
Thankful Thursday

I am thankful Kael is feeling better.

I am thankful that when we went to the doc for a recheck of Kael's ears, we discovered that now Kase also has ear infection.  I am not thankful he has infection but thankful we were able to catch it early. Ironically, Kase had slept through the night the three nights in a row (unheard of!) before we found out he had ear infection. Hmm.

I am thankful for a driveway full of neighbors as we all watched the Summerfest fireworks together.

I am thankful for both times this week that I saved Kase from serious injury. The first time he tried to jump down our stairs (from the very top) and I made a diving catch.  I have rug burns on my knees to prove it. I can't even remember what the second thing was but that one keeps me on my toes!

I am thankful that I finally convinced Kent to go with me to the Cardboard Boat Regatta this year. He had as much fun as the kids did! Watch for us next year. Hoping to convince some friends to join us and build a winner! 

I am actually thankful for the entire Summerfest weekend. We have our little traditions that I love. Thursday night we do the carnival rides (kids LOVE this but I must say that $20/wristband is getting a little steep...), Friday night we do the Kiddie Parade (I seriously lack the creativity to do anything really cool for the parade but if we are being totally honest, Kylee is just in it for the Bomb Pop at the end anyways), Saturday we go to the parade (where my mom saves the.best.spots year after year and tons of family and friends join us then we all go to Godfather's afterwards) and we have added the Boat Regatta to our list of Summerfest Musts (partially just because I like to say regatta) and later we hit the Leisure Garden, then Sunday we take the kids up to the band late in the afternoon when almost no one else is there and they can rock out playing air guitars and whatnot. Then the grand finale of watching fireworks in our driveway. Love it. Love the bag, love the shoes, love everything! (Ten points to anyone besides my sisters who can name the movie that quote came from).

I am thankful for good books to read. And don't even get me started on when I get a magazine in the mail. Best.day.ever.

I'm thankful school starts soon.  Are those the saddest words you've ever heard? It's not at all that I am tired of spending time with the kids...it's just that Kael so thrives on the routine that school provides and Kylee is so excited and ready for kindergarten.  Only a couple of weeks until we find out who their teachers are!

I'm thankful that my sister and her little family are moving here soon.  We are down to days, folks!!!

I'm thankful that I caught and busted the little hooligans that have been tramping through our landscaping.  Seriously.  Teenagers these days.

1 comment:

mama walker said...

movie--- My best friends wedding!!