
Valentine's Day!

Kylee had her Valentine's party at school on Wednesday, and she declared it Best School Day Ever.  What's not to like? A pink, sparkly, candy-filled holiday? That has Kylee written allll over it.

She took some cute Bear Hug Valentines to share. (Thanks, Pinterest!)

This was the first year for Kael to make a Valentine box for school.  He doesn't get really excited about crafty things, but when I showed him a picture of an iPod Valentine box, he loved it.  Super easy and he was super happy.

It was his idea to add the real headphones.  Cute! Looking a little sleepy though...
Valentine gifts from us and some from grandparents.  

I guess I'm looking a little sleepy too. :)

My Valentines.  :) 

Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!

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