
Sneaky Fun

We woke up this morning with no real plans.  I had high hopes of tackling some laundry and dishes.  But one of my neighbors has a fun phrase for days like the kind of day my day ended up being.  The other day I asked her how their weekend had been and she replied, "It was great, kind of sneaky fun, you know? Like the kind where you didn't make any fun plans but the days ended up being really fun anyways? The best kind of days."

Kylee remembered that it was a neighbor's birthday so she got to work early making a birthday picture to deliver.  Upon leaving, she discovered that we'd been Boo'ed! Kase had taken a long nap (just for your reference- anything longer than 20 minutes qualifies as a 'good' nap in Kase world, and anything past 45 minutes is considered 'long') so we threw caution to the wind and headed to Target (I know, we're so crazy, right?) to pick up some fun stuff to Boo our neighbors.  I have been meaning to get Kase's pictures taken since he was three months old, ahem, nearly three months ago.  So I threw in some extra clothes and called Target on the way their to see if we could, by chance, get a couple pictures of him taken while we were there.  And he was awake.  And happy.  They had an opening right away- perfect!

So we got a few cute pictures of Kaser (I am dyyying to get them back so I can show you how much he looks like Kael at this age), picked up some fun Halloween treats and headed home.

Kylee was totally into Boo-ing our friends.  Here she is practicing her spook face. 

We got home and had fun assembling and delivering the treats, then it was time for Kase's lunch.  It was his first time trying carrots and I vividly remember my other two hating carrots so I wasn't expecting him to love them either.  I could not have been more wrong.  The newly acquired skill of sitting combined with his sheer excitement over the carrots nearly caused him to topple out of his chair.  As soon as I got one bite in his mouth he opened up wide for the next bite.  Kylee and I were cracking up and when he saw us laugh, he got the hugest smile on his face. It was hilarious and adorable all rolled into one little messy package.  It was that moment that made me wish I owned some sort of voice-activated-camera-strapped-to-my-head device so that I could capture the moment without getting carrots all over my phone or missing the moment by the time I drag out my big camera.  Surely they make things like that, right?

Carrot face.

Today I managed to get out a few more fall decorations today as well as FINALLY find something to contain all of Kylee's hair stuff.  That has been on my list of things to do ever since I could put her hair in a ponytail oh, three years ago.

I also tried a new recipe from Pinterest: Creamy Chicken Taquitos, which I consider to be doubly successful because 1) I actually tried a recipe from Pinterest and 2) all four of us ate it.   Tonight was also the first night we really ate together as a family of five because Kase has just started on real foods, but it seems he always needs to eat at random times between bottles and tonight that time feel at our regular supper time.  It was really nice and I'm looking forward to many more dinners as a Party of Five.  :)

Later in the evening I was going to go running.  Really, I was.  It was just that the people who Boo'ed us brought the good kind of candy.  And I don't even really eat much candy.  But there were Snickers.  And Twix bars. And they were delicious.  All six or seven of them that I ate. So I'll start tomorrow I guess.  Famous last words, right?

Kase was even more excited about the Halloween candy than I was. 

As I tucked the kids in bed they begged to read one story even though it was already way past bedtime.  I agreed and smiled at their choice of books- they both had chosen their photo books I made for them from last year.  Snuggling in bed looking at some of our favorite memories together was a great way to spend my evening.

Lastly, I rocked Kase to sleep.  It's not something that I ever get to do.  But he's been different lately.  Happier.  More snuggly. And I'm just not about to miss out on a moment like this.  So as I sat in the rocking chair with a sleeping baby in my arms, I thought about what my friend said.  About sneaky fun.  I smiled to myself in the dark, knowing exactly what she meant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loooove this post!!