
On Kase

There aren't many words in our language that grab your attention quite like "neurosurgery".

I was supposed to take Kase to the doctor next Monday for a recheck but lately he's just been having a tough time.  Ear infection maybe? Worth a shot.  I got an appointment this afternoon and it turns out, Kase's ears are fine.  Perfect, actually.

What isn't fine, is his fussiness.  Or his distinct coloring.  Or his head shape and size. Or his quirky, potentially PDD-NOS (Kael's diagnosis) traits.  My doctor is seriously amazing you guys. So thorough.  We decided that it's time to do something about Kase being so unsettled all the time so she scheduled some blood work.  Oh, and a CT scan.  And a potential date with a developmental specialist (even though an autism diagnosis at four months is an incredibly difficult one). She talked me through everything that was going to be checked out (lactic acid stuff, milk protein allergy, liver problems, etc) and the biggest concern is that there could be some fluid on his brain.  Hydrocephalus, maybe. She did warn me that we might be putting the cart before the horse, but it was worth mentioning that if we do find out there is some fluid there, he would need to see the neurosurgeon in Iowa City.

Cue the tears.

On one hand, I am THRILLED we might be able to do something, anything to make him happier.  On the other hand I am scared to death that we might find something that would require meeting with a neurosurgeon.

So, if you're the praying type, and even maybe if you're not, say a prayer for my little Kaser.  We head downtown tomorrow and hopefully return with some answers.

1 comment:

Missy... said...

Lots of prayers coming your way!