
Long overdue

I can't believe it's almost been a week already since we started all these tests for Kase.  I know lots of you are anxious for more details so here's what's going on.  

First off, we did hear back about all the blood work and everything came back mostly normal.  That is, to say, there weren't any huge red flags but there were a couple numbers that didn't fall within normal parameters.  Namely, the lactic acid was high, a few numbers were off due to a viral thing he has going on, and his potassium was high.  So, really no answers there.  But enough that my doc wants to talk with a colleague in Iowa City about some things that are going on with Kaser, so we're hoping to hear back from her about that soon.

I also ran in a dirty diaper to the doctor over the weekend because they wanted to test for blood there.  Luckily, no blood was found.  They did, however, find protein in the sample.  

What does all this mean? So far, nothing.  Which is wonderful and frustrating all at the same time.  We are so thankful all these tests keep coming back OK, but frustrated because we don't have a lot of answers for why our babe is so miserable.  In the meantime we've switched to a hypoallergenic (read: smells like a wet dog) formula for protein sensitivity that we're hoping will help him feel better.  We've been on it for a few days though, and really no change. :(

Actually, his sleeping has gone from bad to worse.  In the last 36 or so hours, he seems totally unable to sleep a wink unless he's sleeping on someone.  He took a good nap on Grandma Cindy yesterday, then last night Kent and I took turns sleeping in the rocking chair with him.  I was home alone with him today while my big kids were at school so I let him nap on me a couple times. 

Notice that we are still Hawk fans despite an embarrassing loss this weekend. :)

By nap #2 I had managed to squeeze in a quick shower but had no time for make-up or a hair brush, evidently. Puffy, red cheeks for him; zombie-like dark circles for her. 

Thanks again to all those who have called, worried, prayed and my apologies for those who I have not called back, texted back or e-mailed back.  It's been a busy, heavy week around here.

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