
Weekend Wrap- Up

This weekend has been one of our more productive ones as of late.  With family to see, practices to attend, errands to run, and a yard to water and seed (btw, thanks for coming back 95 degree heat) it seems like we n-e-v-e-r have a big chunk of time to dive into any house-type projects.  This week we put our noses to the grindstone and got a big start on a lot of things.

I couldn't have done any of it without Kent's help so I truly appreciated that he put aside the things he wanted to get done (he does have a big 'ol garage to organize now...) and help me with the stuff I never seem to find time/have enough hands to do.

I found this wall map on clearance at Kohl's- Kael was really exited about it.  I challenge any other seven year old to a state-naming contest against Kael.  He knows all the states, in size order from 1-50, he knows most of their capitals, knows most of the top ten states for hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes and is really hoping to extend the list of states he's been to.  Anyhow, it's been sitting around the house for more weeks than I care to admit and it took all of five minutes to put up.  :) He helped me with the placement of all the stickers and now has fun playing weatherman and gives a weather report to all who are interested.

Saturday morning between rainshowers I really needed to get out of the house and noticed some neighbors were having a garage sale.  The kids and I started walking over to check things out as Kent called jokingly over his shoulder, "Don't buy anything there! They're Nebraska fans!" I never seem to have much luck at garage sales but there happened to be lots of stuff there I  could use.  Boxes and boxes of new picture frames selling for quarters.  An umbrella stroller I can use for Kase (you might remember that our old one got stolen at the Mall of America? The nerve, right?!) and then I stumbled upon...bunk beds! I couldn't find a price sticker so I wasn't sure they were for sale, but the garage sale was almost over so the lady said, "I think I was going to ask $50 for them, but if you want them you can have them for $30".  Not only were they super inexpensive- they were literally three houses away from ours so we didn't have to mess around with getting a truck to haul them or wait for them to be delivered or anything.  I was insta-happy. Ahhh the excitement! Kael and Kylee have been dying for bunk beds since we moved in.  Kent spent Saturday afternoon (between running Kael to and from football practice and a birthday party) putting the bunk beds together and hauling the borrowed bed back to my parents' house.  He rocks.  The kids were literally beside themselves and, as I hoped, have spent hours playing on them and having "slumber parties".

I had high hopes of getting myself a Command Center all ready before the kids headed back to school so they'd have a place to put all their papers and notes when they got home from school.  A place where I could leave them reminders and hang up their school calendars.  Well, it didn't get done before school started, but this weekend it did! It's not totally finished yet but I'm so happy to have a place to catch all the school paperwork.

I have been pinning home office/front room desk ideas since before we moved in.  I have been scouring websites and all the stores in town but had not found a desk the size/shape I wanted.  Lo and behold, I send Kent to Homemakers and he comes home with The Perfect Desk, the proceeds to spend the last few hours of his beloved weekend putting it together for me.  Ahh I love him.  And I love that I FINALLY have a place to sit and do important things like...update the blog and cruise Pinterest.  ;)

The house still has (almost) nothing on the walls and no real "decorations" to speak of, but darn it we have a desk! and a place for school papers! and bunk beds! I literally could  not be happier and absolutely could not have done it without Kent.  With a new (or old) house, there's always lots to do but I am thrilled with the amount of stuff we got done this weekend.  Little by little we are most definitely making this house into our home.

I absolutely intended to post pictures of all the things mentioned above but my little Kaser is wakin' up and I can literally hear him smiling through the monitor. (Yeah, we're old school around here.  No video monitor- just the same old one we used for Kael and Kylee ;)  I'm not about to miss out on his sweet 'just woke up and am thrilled to see you, Mom' smiles, so pictures can wait.

What did you get done this weekend?

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