
Kase is 4 months old!

We had Kase's four month old checkup the other day and man, was he a champ.  By the grace of God we somehow squeezed his appointment perfectly between feeding time and naptime.  He smiled and charmed his way right through the checkup.  His doctor kept commenting on how strong he was, how well he followed things, how well he noticed things, "Most kids don't do fill in the blank until their six month checkup!" she kept saying.  I smiled proudly, but tried to wait until I got home to pat myself on the back.

At four months, Kase weighs 15 pounds, 4 ounces which puts him in the 50% for weight.  He is 25 and 3/4 inches long, putting him in the 80% for height.  His head continues to top the 90%- he's such a Patterson.

Comments continue to roll in on how strikingly similar Kael and Kase look.  That tends to be the second most frequent comment- the first being, "Oh my gosh he is sooo dark complected!"

In other 4 month news, Kase HATES his car seat, LOVES being outside and eats as often as he wants. My attempts to settle him into a nice little schedule are to absolutely no avail and I'm just fine with that as long as he's happy.

Kase loves his Grandpa, and he loves his thumb.

Holy smokes, where have the last four months gone?? Love ya to death, Kase Alan.

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