
Good morning, sunshine

Kase and Kylee had woken up at the crack of dawn, per usual.  Kent was at the gym which means I got up with them.

He finally got home and I walked over to the fridge to get a glass of water and the ice was jammed.  Whatever.  I wanted coffee anyways.  Pulled out the coffee pot and realized that the slow leak that we'd had turned in to a big leak and we lost approximately a full cup of coffee to the counter.  Liquid gold, wasted.  Blerg.

I love waking up to a dishwasher full of clean dishes (sarcasm intended) because then you are forced to do dishes before breakfast, otherwise leave a pile of dirty dishes sitting in the sink which is a major pet peeve of mine.  So, I started putting dishes away.  I don't think it was yet 6:30.  Half the dishes in the dishwasher hadn't gotten clean (operator error, Kent might say).

"Ughhhhh!!!" I grumped. "We have all these nice new appliances and NOTHING is working right.  Ice maker is jammed, coffee pot is leaking, dishwasher only cleans half the dishes!" I said in my growliest morning voice.

"You're sexy," was his response.  I didn't need to look in the mirror to tell me that the sexiness of the dark circles under my eyes was rivaled only by the sexiness of my unkempt hair.  Add to that my grumpy attitude and I was the total package, really.

"Well everything's wrong this morning! I didn't want to get up this early, I didn't want to have to do the dishes, I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night and all our appliances are stupid." I pouted.

"Is there anything else?" he asked.

"Yes there is actually.  Your clothes don't really match and your shorts are wrinkly." I could barely finish the sentence before I burst into a fit of giggles.  "Sorry, that was low." I admitted.  "I was kidding.  Kind of." He laughed out loud.

He loves me even when I'm at my worst and his mismatched, wrinkly clothes were just what I needed this morning to make me laugh enough to snap out of a bad start to the day.  He can take my teasing much better than I can take his and there's something to be said about that.  He keeps things light around here.

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