
Weekend Wrap-Up

Our weekend went a little something like this...

I enjoyed some time out with my big kids and crossed something off that's been on our Summer Bucket List for the last 3 years- Movie Under the Stars! Kael and Kylee were elated to get to stay up so very late watching Toy Story 3 up at Wagner Park.

Hit up a few more parks:

Spent some time having a fire, s'mores, sparklers and Bomb Pops with some neighbors that we're truly going to miss.

Went to the pools.  Yup, both. 

Here's Kael during a pool break.

Here's Kylee during a cool break.  :) It was a bit chilly but that didn't stop us from going!

Watched Kael's baseball game, then out to lunch with family.

Sent the big kids for a sleepover at my mom's then hosted a sleepover here in return while Mom pulled middle-of-the-night duty with Kase.  She rocks. 

Showed up early at church to check out the new children's wing, but evidently not early enough for donuts.

Creeped the progress at our new house by peeking in the windows to see if carpet/appliances were in yet.  Technically it's going to be ours, so that's fine, right?

Kent caught up on a few episodes of Swamp People while I secretly wished that Duck Dynasty wasn't over for the season.

Yes, our weekend was just.that.good.  Yours??

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