
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that Kent lent me some pajamas to wear after he packed up every single clothing item of mine in the moving van. Yes, that's really what I looked like when I woke up on our last morning at the old house.

I'm so thankful for all the help we had moving.  Thanks to everyone who came with strong arms, nourishing food and kind hearts.  We couldn't have done it without you! Here's our last picture at the old house:

I'm so thankful I caved and bought some Cinnamon Toast Crunch when Kael and I ran to the store at 6:00 Sunday morning.  That stuff is just as good as I remember, if not better.

I'm thankful for my pool boy.

I'm thankful for a b-e-a-u-tiful sunrise yesterday morning while I was out running.  It's easy to run with a view like that.

I'm thankful for my Bachelor of Arts degree but evidently it's not enough to ensure that I'm smart enough to run my new-fangled appliances.  I hadn't been in the new house 5 minutes and my fridge alarm started going off.  An alarm.  On my refrigerator.  Oh brother.

Speaking of appliances, I'm super thankful that our new washer and dryer arrive today.  But probably not more thankful than my mom is.  :) Thanks for helping us out in the meantime, Mom!

I'm thankful Kael's last Little League game was this week.  He had one of his best hits ever! All the way to the fence!

I'm so thankful that a heart doesn't actually burst.  Because mine was just so full of happiness the other night I honestly thought it might. Our neighbors-to-be stopped in and we just had the greatest time hanging out.  The kids all had fun together, our hubbies got along great...and we giggled like school girls about how wonderful our lives in this neighborhood will be.

I'm thankful for Sunday morning pancakes in our new house!

I'm sooo thankful for Tammy's help organizing things around my house.  She has such a gift for knowing right where things should go.  And folding t-shirts.  She whipped all of our closets, and the whole kitchen (including the pantry) right into shape!

I'm thankful that this move has brought the kids closer together.  They have become such good buddies lately!

Whew...it's been a crazy, crazy week but there is LOTS to be thankful for.  God is so good.  What are you thankful for today?

1 comment:

mama walker said...

loove seein sneak peaks of your new home. EEEK!!! YOU HAVE A PANTRY!!!!