
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful Kael's tooth finally came out! It had been sticking so far out because it was so loose and Kent kept calling him a hillbilly. :) Now if we can just get that other front one out...

I'm thankful for a friend I hadn't seen in a long time and ran into her at church the other day.  "I didn't know you guys were expecting!" she said excitedly. "Yeah, just 9 weeks!" I replied.  She looked genuinely perplexed.  "Do you mean you're 9 weeks along or you have just 9 weeks to go?"  She totally made my day.  Kylee had picked out my outfit for church and evidently the big, sparkly earrings and birghtly colored dress drew attention away from my bulging belly.

I'm thankful for Kylee's friends and at the same time amazed at how early gender differences become apparent to little kids.  A mom of a boy in Kylee's class recently told me this story: Sam came home from school the other day and said, "Mom, girls smell good." She smiled and asked what made him think of that.  "Well, Kylee Kay in my preschool just smells delicious" he answered. :)

I'm thankful for Kylee's play-doh cake making station.  We had so much fun playing with it the other day!

I'm thankful that I finally have a space set up in this house for the baby.  It's not perfect and it's more than likely temporary, but a space nonetheless.  We're getting close!

I'm thankful that Kylee is so very....honest? conscientious? earnest? I had seen on Pinterest a link to questions for parents to ask their kids to get them talking.  One of the questions was "If you could change one thing about me as a mom, what would it be?" Being a person that doesn't take criticism well, I thought to myself, "well, that's one question I'll never ask my kids" but last night I was sitting with Kylee and the question just popped into my head so I asked her.  She looked at me and replied, "Well, I wish you never cried and that you never got hurt and that you were never unhappy." At first I was so taken aback by her response I didn't know what to say.  I thought for sure she was going to say she wished I let her eat candy bars for breakfast.  So I asked, "Do you think I cry a lot?" because truthfully, I am a bit of a crier but I rarely cry around the kids. "No not at all," she answered quickly. "I just want everyone to be happy all the time." Oh Kylee.  You are wise beyond your years and show such depth and sincerity of feelings for a four year old.

I'm thankful for a girls' lunch on Monday.  I'm also thankful that my friend was kind enough to let Kylee hold her baby girl- she's only 3 weeks old! Adorable!

I'm thankful that Kael had a great basketball season!

What are you thankful for today?

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