
Simple Joys

It's no secret- I love Christmas.  I've been trying to hold off on the gift-buying, house-decorating and cookie-baking by making list after list of things I want to do this year.  Finally I could wait no more.  Tonight I took the kids to Target with the intention of picking up a gift for a birthday party Kylee has tomorrow. I knew we'd end up wandering through the toy aisles for awhile getting ideas for Kael and Kylee for Christmas.
Then we walked by all the Christmas decorations and I noticed some small Christmas trees were on sale.  I stopped to look and I suggested to the kids that I get one for each of their rooms so they could have their very own Christmas tree.  I remember when I was growing up, my sisters and I always wanted colored lights on our Christmas tree and every year we had white lights.  Now that I'm grown up, I prefer the beautiful, pure white Christmas lights too.  So that's all we've ever had on our family tree.  I knew this would be the best of both worlds.

We got home and I promised the kids they could set up their trees but we would wait until after Thanksgiving to actually decorate them.  I wish pictures could capture their excitement.  Kael's face lit up, "Aww! So cool!" he said.  Kylee sighed happily, "This is the best night ever. I just can't stop looking at how beautiful my tree is in my room."

Buying the kids their own little trees is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. :)

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