
Today I...

...had dinner with a couple of great gals.  Seriously I love seeing you guys every month!

...watched my husband kill yet another snake.  That is 3 in the last 2 days.  ICK.  We find snakes in our backyard every year but hadn't  seen any yet this year.  The warm temps have brought them out...unfortunately this time right by our front step.  I am seriously afraid of walking out my own front door.

...ordered my first Christmas gift of 2011 online.  It's never too early to start! I'm not really an online shopper...I much prefer actually picking stuff out in a store but I saw something too cute I just had to get it.

...got whooped by my 4 year old in Uno.  How can someone be so good at Uno? It's supposed to be a game of luck, right?

...saw the bottom of our laundry basket.  That happens, um, never.

...played touch football in the backyard with a four year old and two six year olds.  They keep me young. 

...got Kylee's school pictures back and she is pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.  She looks so grown up.

...am loving the idea that a neighbor mom had for a birthday party idea.  The kids all decorated pumpkins to look like princesses! Foam crowns, pink feather boas, jewels for the nose, etc.  Prettiest pumpkins ever.

...can't stop eating Chex Mix with my own addition of peanuts, M & M's and candy corn.  I made it for the kids but have eaten the  majority of it by myself.  Yum.

....am praying the nice weather holds out for trick-or-treat.  Anyone need a good trick-or-treat joke? My kids ALWAYS use this one: Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide! I still laugh every time I hear it. :)

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