
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for a quiet afternoon. Kylee took a highly uncharacteristic nap yesterday, and usually if either of my kids take a nap I fly into "get something done" mode but not yesterday. So, I snuggled up in the rocking chair with a good book and a mug of homemade hot chocolate, watching a slow rain come in. It was heavenly.

I'm thankful that Kael's school was having a fundraiser at Burger King which was the perfect place to spend a rainy evening and an equally perfect excuse for me not to cook.

I'm thankful for the Fire Station Open House. Every year I want to take the kids to this, but every year something comes up.  We finally made it last night! Evidently it's a popular event; we had to park quite a ways away and there were tons of people there. I wasn't sure how the kids would do but neither of them seemed to mind the walk or the crowd. They had a blast sitting in fire trucks, sliding down fire poles, and "rescuing" babies from a fire (blindfolded, walking on their knees through a maze!").

I'm thankful Kael loves playing his school suggested math games online.

I'm thankful Kylee has learned how to click the mouse so she can join in the computer fun.

I'm thankful that my kids want to be a ghost and a cat for Halloween.  Those kind of costumes I can handle. I'll be really thankful if they don't change their minds between now and then.

I'm thankful for coffee.  On days that my kids both get up by 5:45, I have a couple cups of coffee and can usually get about three loads of laundry done before Kael leaves for school at 7:40. Without the coffee there's a pretty good chance I'd still be in my pajamas by the time Kael leaves for school.

I'm thankful that it's Kylee's week to be Star Student at preschool. 

I'm thankful that dinner is already slow cooking in the oven. I'm also thankful for the chocolate chip cookie bars Kylee helped me make that I just pulled out of the oven.  It's taking everything I have to not eat one. 

What are you thankful for this week?

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