
Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that when Kent's out of town, Kylee will come to my rescue and kill any spiders we find in the house.  She's fearless. In many aspects Kylee and I are exactly.the.same but this is one big difference between us.  She rocks.

I'm thankful my dad liked the apple pie I made him. My dad is the King Of Ideas and his most recent idea was to give some of his customers apple pies with dollar signs (he works for Edward Jones) and asked if I thought I could make one.  Turns out I can. :) I don't guarantee that I can make enough of them and my perfectionist self would change several things about this one, but I enjoyed the challenge.

Actually I'm really thankful for apple pies, apple dumplings, apple cake, apple crisp and apple bars.

I'm thankful that Kent and I had a great time in Kansas City even though the Vikings lost. We had wonderful weather, a fun time tailgating, and even had some time for a quick stop in the Power and Light District.  Also, I'm very thankful Tam and Rob were in town so we could hang out with them! Tam is definitely the hostess with the mostess and we had a great time catching up with them. Thanks for letting us stay guys!

I'm thankful there's enough leaves on the ground to start making leaf piles.  Well, actually there's not really enough in our yard to get a good leaf pile yet, so the kids swiped a few leaves that had gathered in the street so the pile could be bigger.  I'm sure it will be only a couple weeks until we have plenty in our own yard.  I'm thankful we live in an older neighborhood with BIG trees that can provide entertainment for my kids.

I'm thankful that Kael was so excited to participate in Walk To School Day. Since we can't really walk all the way from our house (me, Brooklyn, Ryan, Kylee and Kael crossing State Street at 8:00 AM? I don't think so), we just drove a little bit closer to school and walked from there.  I was so impressed at how many people walked! What a great community we live in. (Just in case you needed a reminder: I Heart Ankeny. :) Kael was met with teachers handing out bottled water and  cheerleaders passing out prizes and stickers that said "I'm a walk star" which made me laugh a lot because I'm kind of cheesy like that. :)

I'm thankful for this beautiful weather we've been having, which will probably end up being our last burst of warmth before the chilly temps set in.  We are taking full advantage of these nice days walking to parks, having picnics, riding bikes and playing outside all afternoon.

Thursday is my favorite day, October is my favorite month and fall is my favorite season.  So on a day like today, I can't help but feel there is so very very much to be thankful for.  How about you? Have you made some time to stop and reflect about what you're truly thankful for?

Happy Thursday!

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