
Where I've been

The blogging has taken a backseat to summer fun. Here's what we've been up to!

Making Jell-O jigglers. I hadn't done this in years and they are just as fun as you might remember.

At Child Serve doing some Occupational Therapy and Speech evaluations for Kael. I'm hoping to get him involved in some social groups there and anxious to continue developing the skills he has as well as learning some new ones.

Toe Tappers with Kylee. Watching ten 3 year olds learn how to tap has to be one of the most enjoyable ways to spend an evening. Mostly it's an excuse for moms to dress their little girls up in dance outfits and go on and on about how cute they are. While Kylee did look absolutely adorable, she was actually pretty interested in learning all the new moves and has taken to practicing in our laundry room. This morning when she woke up she came downstairs in her nightgown and tap shoes.

Organizing this dreadful sight. Do you have an area (or a couple?) in your house that seem to collect all your papers, junk, etc? I promised myself I'd have this tidied up before summer even started....

Tee ball games. I can't believe the season is over! Kael has been really into baseball lately. Several times he hit the ball "all the way to the grass" and I could tell he was disappointed in himself if he didn't get it past the infield. It has been so fun watching him develop his baseball skills.

Kent wasn't really excited that his given team name was the Cubs, but he overcame the tough name and pulled out a great season! Way to go, Coach!

Making strawberry shakes for dessert. My mom makes the best chocolate malts in the whole entire world and I am ashamed to admit that I rarely make them! So last night I attempted some strawberry shakes and they were delicious. Just ask Kylee.

Watching Kylee give herself mani/pedis with these. Why wouldn't you paint your nails 10 different sparkly colors? Yes, I am that brave and yes, she does a fanastic job of painting her own nails without getting polish everywhere.

Winefest! We gave out samples of Chocolate Indulgance and Lucious Lemon cupcakes. It was so fun to be a part of this event! Cupcakes and wine? You can count me in any day of the week.

Kael had has his K-A-E-L letters on his wall since he was born. I always had other stuff up for Kylee but the other day I was at Michael's and found these perfect curly letters that were just screaming her name. She wants to paint them pink.

Having a lemonade stand. Seriously, does it get better than that in the summer? We didn't really have a price- it was more of a free will donation, but when our first customer asked, "How much?" Kylee quickly responded, "Five dollars." The guy turned around and walked home for more money. Only Kylee could talk someone into spending $5 at a kids lemonade stand. Well, at least we did have fresh lemons. :) Evidently the sun was in the kids' eyes because I couldn't get them to keep them open for a picture!

Aunt Chris and Uncle Richie's pool. Well, sadly I wasn't there (I was at Winefest that night) but Kent and the kids had an awesome time. Kael's big smile says it all. I'm hoping to invite ourselves up to Collins this weekend so I can join in the pool fun!

Washing the van. That alone doesn't sound very fun, but anything in the summer that involves kids and water turns into fun. They scrubbed and scrubbed until they were happy with how shiny it was then promptly took to playing sponge tag and throwing wet, soapy sponges at each other. That was a fun day- one I'll always remember.

Riding bikes to Casey's for donuts. Kylee found a quarter when we were in KC and I promised her that at some point during the trip we would be at a restaurant that would have a gumball machine and she could spend her quarter on that. Our Mexican restaurant in town has a gumball machine, but the one in KC did not. Kylee was devastated. The morning we got back from KC she woke up with a plan. She walked out of her room and said, "Let's go to Casey's and I will spend my quarter on a donut there." What a great idea! I rationalized that if we got exercise by riding bikes there, I wouldn't have to feel guilty about feeding my kids donuts for breakfast. Extra sprinkles? Yes please. This is how my little fashionista chose to dress for the occasion. Princess socks and sparkle flip flops. Perfect.

The Zoo. Another really fun day. Our zoo isn't the biggest in the world, and in summers past we've spent at most a couple hours there. When we went a couple weeks ago we were there for the better part of 5 hours! There was a dinosaur exhibit that was really fun. I also let the kids ride a camel. Why not, right?

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