
St. Patrick's Day

Confession: I've never really cared much for St. Patrick's Day. The very idea of those crafy leprechauns kind of creep Kylee out and I can't say I disagree. Add to that, Kael was up all night with an earache the night before St. Patty's- poor guy :( This also means I was up all night so I wasn't really in stealth leprechaun mode. I usually try to do something fun for the kids- hide a few gold chocolate coins, leave leprechaun footprints around the house, but today I had no "luck of the Irish" motivation to do anything really creative and was feeling kinda guilty about it.
In an effort to boost everyone's spirits, I busted out a bottle of green food coloring and got to work. Kent got home and I served him a green beer (yes, that's a frosty Beake mug). I decided Kylee needed some green lemonade and she was THRILLED with it.

Kael had been inside resting but perked up at the mention of waffles for supper. So, we had breakfast for supper: green waffles, some sausage and green milk.

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