
Project, Thankful Thursday

As promised, here are some pictures from the project I mentioned....

Kael had been reading a book about a boy who had a treehouse and on Saturday, he asked Kent if we could have a treehouse. Kent and I decided that we do, in fact, have the perfect tree in our backyard for a treehouse! So, we enlisted the help of my dad,who has some treehouse building experience, and the project was underway. I was a skeptic from the beginning: "It has to be VERY safe! And I want it to look nice! Did I mention that it needs to be really, REALLY safe?" and I couldn't be more pleased with the end result.
Kael's best neighborhood buddy caught sight of the project early on and couldn't wait to lend a helping hand. :) Kael's pretty excited and to be honest, the rest of us were, too! Who doesn't love a fun spring project, especially when it was totally Kael's idea!

Here's a view of the unfinished treehouse from our deck. I'm so thankful I have such a handy husband. It's hard to see it in the picture, but one of the coolest features is the little "secret door" in the floor of the treehouse. The kids love climbing up the ladder and popping up through the bottom of the treehouse. Once the kids are up in the treehouse and shut the door, you can't even tell it's there! Kids love anything that involves the word "secret".

Such good helpers.

Here's a picture of the finished product. What a cold, rainy night but they were determined to get it completed!

Even though it's technically "finished", there has already been talk of some additions. We're thinking about getting rid of the swingset in the background of the picture and hooking up a swing to the beam that you can see sticking out on the right side there. Some other ideas have been to add a slide or a zipline to expedite the "getting down" process.

I'll try to post some better pictures of the finished product (and the secret door) once the sun comes out again!

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