
Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday night Kent and I made last minute plans to grab dinner with our good friends.  Kylee took Kase shopping and to dinner and Kael had bowling plans with his old church group. Later Kylee and I went to her boyfriend's basketball game.  A fun night for everyone! Kase even ended up having a couple friends spend the night. 

Saturday Kael hung out with his girlfriend and Kylee went Christmas shopping with her boyfriend. She surprised me and had bought me a pair of jeans! What a sweet and thoughtful gesture.  Later she hung out with some friends and Kael and Kase hung out at Keith and Cindy's while Kent and I went to my cousin's wedding.  It was SUCH a lovely night and I am so happy for my cousin.  It was great to see many of my other cousins there too! There's nothing like family.

Sunday we had Christmas with my family. It was such a great day- all the cousins get along so well and the day just flew by.  Everyone was so happy and appreciative of their gifts and really enjoyed just hanging out and playing games together and of course a walk out back.  We're so blessed.

Love this crazy cousin crew.

Kase gave a surprising amount of hugs!

Love these guys.

The cousin exchange is always a hit! They all do so well with their gifts and are so proud to give them.

Cute boys in hoodies.

Never too old to swing!

It was a great weekend! Really thankful for family.

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