
Weekend Wrap-Up

Kylee and team had a great race at Fort Dodge on Thursday!  

By chance, Kase had left school early that day with a headache so he was able to go with us to cheer her on. 

Friday night Kael came home for Fall Break! I just LOVE having him back even if it's just for a few days.  The house just feels fuller, I am able to make more real meals and we just love having him around! Kase and Kylee both went to the football game and had plans with friends.  Kent, Kael and I went to The Creamery before it closes for the season!

Saturday was Grandpa Bill's Celebration of Life.  We really enjoyed spending the day with family and sharing memories.  What a blessing that my kids got to know Grandpa Bill for so many years.  

That evening Kylee had plans for a friend's birthday- they went to the orchard.  Kase went to a Haunted House with a big group of friends! He was nervous and said it was really scary but I'm proud of him for doing it! He stayed over at his friends' house after.  Kent, Kael and I went for a long walk and had a nice night here- later those two watched a scary movie.

Sunday Kael's girlfriend came and went to church with us.  Kylee went to church with her friends. Kase had a football game. Kael and Emma went out for brunch then he had a work shift back in Pella.  Kylee did homework with a friend. Kent mowed, I got groceries and we had a nice, lazy Sunday afternoon! 


Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for Kylee's hard work and continued success academically!

I'm also thankful for when she asks me to help quiz her on Spanish vocab- that's one subject I can help with!

I'm thankful for family.  I'm thankful for tough decisions being made but things moving forward.

I'm thankful for dinner out with my sisters earlier this week!

I'm thankful that my kids have such  good heads on their shoulders when it comes to relationships, friendships and doing what's right for them. 

I'm thankful Kael will be home for Fall Break starting Friday night! Yay!!!!

Have a great weekend. 


Weekend Wrap-Up

Cross country season has been going along well.  Kylee (and the whole team, really) had a tough race on a tough course in hot, dry, stinky conditions Thursday. Super proud of her for finding that finish line.


Dad to the rescue for a piggy back ride to camp!

Friday night Kylee hung out with Sean, Kase went to the game with friends and Kent and I grabbed dinner and had a low- key night. 

Saturday we went to Pella to see Kael!!!! It was Central's Homecoming so we set up a tailgagte and had the best time. 

Emma came too and we got to see a few of Kael's friends.  The game was a blowout so we left early to cool off and get ice cream.  It was just the best day. 

Kylee was at a youth group retreat all day so she missed out but Kase came and found a friend to play with there too.

Sunday Kase slept in so I went to early church and Kylee went to second service.  Kent took Kase to his football game. They lost and it sounds like I didn't miss much of a game.  

Meanwhile, my mom and I went to Pella to see the Flying Pans Steel Band concert that Kael was playing guitar in!

It was so cool seeing him up there!

He did a really great job. 

His sweet girlfriend Emma came to watch too! We enjoyed spending the afternoon with her.

It was such a beautiful day on campus and I just can't say enough about how proud of Kael I am.  Such a cool thing!

These two. She had the best time watching him.  

Love my Kael buddy!!

Later that night Kylee had bowling with PEOPEL PE and the rest of us just kind of chilled.  Ready for another fun fall week! 


Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful for these pictures of Kase that my parents sent me- so good! He's been working really hard and learning a lot this season.

I'm thankful Kylee had fun at the FCA basketball fundraiser on Sunday and even got first place with her team!

I'm thankful for this BEAUTIFUL surprise from Kent on Tuesday! He's just the best. 

I'm thankful for date night to celebrate our anniversary.  Love this guy so much. 

Kent was thankful for this giant piece of carrot cake for dessert! Ha!

I'm thankful for Cindy who was able to come over and help wrangle and feed the kids while we were away.  Sounds like she had a houseful!

I'm thankful for Kase's friend group right now. He seems to be in a good place. 

I'm thankful one of Kase's good friends is ok after a tumble from behind his dirt bike last week. 

I'm thankful I get to see Kael this weekend!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

Happy Thursday!