
Weekend Wrap-Up

Thursday was the first meet of the season for Kylee.  The ran in Ames and she had a great race! I was so happy for her- love seeing her finishing strong and proud. Her goal was 20:00 and she got 19:46! She was also the 5th Jag and her goal was just to not be 7th.

Love seeing the team pray together before the race.

Jumping for joy that they got the first race out of the way and it went well!

Kent is just the best for Kylee.  They have a really special bond during the season especially.

Jags win!

Celebratory ice cream!

Friday Kase went to the football game with friends and Kent and I went for dinner. Kylee and her friends stopped by Keith and Cindy's on their way to the game for pizza- it's so nice having them right there by the stadium! And so sweet of them to use their Caseys' points and got dinner for the girls!

I love 7th grade Kase.  He is a confident, happy version of himself and it's fun to see. 

Saturday I got zero pictures but Kylee had a long run then went to watch the Iowa/ISU game with friends.  Keith and Cindy were hosting a party so we got the year off from hosting which was nice.  And- Kael came home!!!! It was so great to see him- he's just happy and great too. Kase had a couple buddies over and they had fun watching the game and fishing and making a stop by Keith and Cindy's. Saturday night Kylee went bowling with friends. 

Sunday was Kent's birthday! He had low expectations for celebrating with things as busy as they always are in the fall but he was happy with his surprise carrot cake and just time together with the family. We love you, Kent!!!

Kylee went to church with friends and after church, Kent, Kase and I went up to watch the cousins play football. We got to see both Huston and Krue! That afternoon Kase had his first football game of the season and it was a little rough but it didn't seem to bother him too badly. Kylee had and FCA event and Kent and I went out for a birthday dinner with our good friends.  Kase went back to his friend's house for dinner and a swim/hot tub night and had a blast.  

Ready for another fun week!

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