
Weekend Wrap-Up

 We were ready for a long weekend around here after the first full week of school.

Kylee has been busy with cross country- love their theme days.

Friday night was the Jag-Hawk football game and the Jags won! Kase had fun running around with friends.

Saturday Kylee had a long run then babysat all day.  Kent, Kase and I went to the lake and Kael went to the ISU game with friends. My sister and her kids were at the lake too and we had a great time!

Tubing is always a hit even when it's a bit rough out there!

Monkeying around. 

Even got to celebrate these birthday twins! We also had a fun (filling!) dinner out in town.

Sunday I headed back to Ankeny since I needed to help with senior gifts for the cross country team.  Kent and Kase went to the pond.

Kase got a huge bass!

And a driving lesson!

They had a great night.  Meanwhile at home I had a nice time with Kylee- we picked up a late night dinner and enjoyed chatting.

Monday morning Kylee and I went out for brunch which was a fun, special treat and a great start to the day. Later she went to the mall with friends. Kent and Kase got home early afternoon and Kase played with a friend and Kent and I walked.  Kylee had cross country practice that evening. It was a great long weekend! 

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