
Weekend Wrap-Up

 The first day of school seemed like it went just fine for the kids! 

Friday night Kase biked up to the Jag scrimmage with friends and Kent and I went up to see Kylee and her cross country team announced. 

Saturday we didn't seem to know what to do with ourselves- we aren't used to a free day! Kase and Kylee had morning practices then we spent the rest of the day getting some things done around the house, doing errands and dream shopping for some new fun toys for the fam. Kylee went to the Cultural festival downtown with friends and later played sand volleyball.  Kase spent the day with friends and even into the night jumping on the trampoline late with a couple buddies. 

Sunday we had another mostly free day.  Kase ended up going to the pool then Saylorville in the afternoon with a few friends and Kylee went to church with friends then to the library to do some homework. Kent's studying for a test too so I had time to get ready for a full/busy week for the kids. Groceries, meal prep, etc.  Not very exciting stuff but honestly nice to have a free weekend. Hope you all had a great weekend too! 

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