
Weekend Wrap-Up

Friday Kylee got home after midnight so it was her birthday already and Kase had helped me pick out flowers for her and she was happy to come home to a sweet surprise in her room!

She had a run that morning then grabbed breakfast with friends then the girls went to the Fair.  They had a great day! Kylee was home long enough to open gifts- shoes, clothes, makeup and jewelry. Then she headed to a movie with friends! Kael had spent the afternoon with his girlfriend and a friend and they went to a movie too. Kase spent the day at The Ledges with my niece and nephew and had a great day! I really appreciated their nanny inviting Kase along.

Saturday and Sunday we knew Kael had to work and Kylee had all sorts of plans- a long run (9 miles!) and then the mall with a friend and a birthday dinner with a different friend then Sunday plans to go to church and hang out with friends. With the big kids tied up all weekend, Kase brought a friend to the lake! It was a little chilly on Saturday but everyone had a great time tubing and fishing and twilight boat riding.  Happy my neice and her friend could join us too!

Kase and his buddy Ben have been friends since kindergarten.  Love these two.

Kent caught some nice fish this weekend!

Sunday we headed over to the pond for a little while- the boys had fun fishing and caught a few nice ones! They swam a bit while Kent helped my dad with the dock. 

What another great weekend of memories made.  We certainly aren't letting summer slip away around here!

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