
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Kylee had a fun night celebrating her friend's birthday at the Balloon Festival in Indianola!

Friday Kase spent the day hanging out with friends then begged Kent to take him to the pond to fish.  They were sure glad they went- they caught a ton of big fish!

Saturday morning Kael and I were up early so we headed to the lake. We got to go up to the Classic Car Show with my parents for a bit!

Later Kylee brought a bunch of friends up to spend the weekend and we had a blast all weekend!

We caught fish, tubed, jet skied, ate, relaxed, swam- it was the perfect weekend!

We are so thankful for such a fun place to spend a weekend and thankful my parents are willing to host (and teach the kids how to drive the boat, ski, fish...all the things!) 

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